Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Fiesta Parade lineup


August 4, 2009 7:08 AM

The lineup is official for Friday's annual Fiesta parade, this year themed A Tribute to Tradition.

The parade starts at noon at Castillo Street and West Cabrillo Boulevard. From there, participants hed north on State Street to East Sola Street. Leading the way will be the Long Beach Mounted Police with the Color Guard, immediately followed by walking groups of Fiesta flower girls and Pedro the Fiesta donkey.

More mounted units will lead the way for the Spirit Float, the Mariachi Mexicasmo band and the Saint Barbara float.

Carriages and wagons featuring this year's Reina de la Fiesta Hattie Feazelle, Mayor Marty Blum, the family of El Presidente, the Honorary Grand Marshal and Honorary El Presidente and a Navy Commander will be featured along with the Santa Barbara Sheriff's Department mounted posse and a group of Spanish riders, which will include El Presidente Anthony Borgatello and Betty Borgatello.

Another group of Spanish riders, featuring a Camarillo white horses parade and event team will lead the Santa Monica Mounted Police and the Sheriff's Department bag pipes.

A walking group of sailors and the honor guard will be next, followed by carriages and wagons featuring Rep. Lois Capps and the Santa Barbara Trust for Historical Preservation float.

The King County Sheriff's Department will lead in carriages and wagons featuring Judy Pearce, who has been a participant in Fiesta since 1946, along with her friends and family.

The Escondido Mounted Posse will ride through just before a group of carriages and wagons will feature the Santa Barbara City Council.

The Rotary Club float, the Merced County Sheriff's Department and the carriages and wagons featuring Vivian Obern are next, followed by a De la Guerra wedding party and Los Padres Trail Riders.

El Presidentes of the past will then be featured with carriages and wagons, followed by a group of Spanish riders using Barque horses of Northern California.

The Santa Barbara High School Marching Band will then lead the way for the California Andalusiana Fiesta Day Group, who will be featured with a group of Spanish riders.

More Spanish riders will follow with Hollywood Paso Finos and Southern California Charros.

Carriages and wagons representing Impulse and MarBorg will be next, followed by a color guard from Captain Rivera y Moncada's Detachment of 1781. The Conejo Riders Drill Team will entertain next, leading into the Ventura County Sheriff's Department posse and the Rickard Family float.

The Oxnard High School Marching Band will come through next, followed by the Rainbow Riders and a rodeo-circus wagon.

The Black Cowboys of the Golden West will then ride, leading the carriages and wagons of Albertsons and the Santa Barbara Elks Lodge 613.

Charro Los Compadres is next, followed by a float from Daughters of the Golden West.

A group of Spanish riders representing War Horse and the Militaria Heritage Foundation will move through, leading carriages and wagons for Mission Linen, John F. Diehl and the Dipiola Foundation. A group of Spanish riders for Rancho de la Florecita Peruvian will be next, followed by carriages and wagons for 35th District Assemblyman Pedro Nava with his wife Susan Jordan and Wells Fargo.

A group of Spanish riders for Los Californios will ride just before a single Spanish rider, Kathleen MacQuiddy Galbrath and carriages and wagons representing Los Padres National Forest.

Los Amigos charros are next; then there will be carriages and wagons for the Gang from Cocker Row and the Friends of Fiesta.

Charros Los Taquileros will then ride before the Santa Barbara Bank and Trust wagons and carriages and the COX Communications wagons and carriages.

The Lonesome Cowboys will ride next, followed by carriages and wagons representing the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors and the Royal Presidio Mounted Soldiers as a group of Spanish riders.

The E. Campus Vitus float will lead in the Bartlett Pringle Wolf carriages and wagons, followed by the Peruvian Paso Heritage Riders and the Juan Torres-Mariachii carriages and wagons.

Los Caporales charros will then lead in the Santa Barbara Shrine Club, followed by charros De la Valle Santa Ynez and Merrie Hathaways 50-year reunion carriages and wagons.

The Shalhoob Group and the Cross Mountain Ranch will both have groups of Spanish riders, and they will lead Los Pobladores 200.

A walking group, Native Sons of the Golden West, will then lead Los Jinetes del Mar and the carriages and wagons of the City of Santa Barbara Fire Department.

Lastly, Los Caballios Spanish riders will lead the final float of the Castro family.

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